Aqua Milling® Cement Unblocking & Removal


Pipetech were tasked to AquaMill® a blocked 3 1⁄2” diameter drill pipe that had been blocked with set cement. Total length of blockage was 10 meters.

The blocked pipe was set up on a purpose built cradle and using 1⁄2” Aqua Milling® the line was Aqua Milled utilizing a stepped cutting nozzle. The pipe was Aqua Milled until the total length had a clear route through the blockage. An aggressive polishing nozzle was then used to remove any residual blockage from the internal pipe wall. All waste material was collected from the entry point to specific holding tanks.

View of blocked pipe from pin head

View of box thread post cleaning


Removal of heavy set cement which proved difficult for traditional pipe-cleaning techniques.


Successful unblocking, cleaning and containment of cement from drill pipe.

All works completed without incident, maintaining Pipetech’s zero LTI record.


Performance – Fully contained remotely operated cleaning system carried out cleaning of difficult pipe work were other methods had failed.

Flexibility– Carried out workscope at onshore premises with minimum impact on client operations.

Key Project Facts




Product Line

Aqua Milling®

Total effective cleaning time of 1 hour 45 minutes

3 1/2” drill pipe, 10 metres in Length, 650Barg effective cleaning pressure





"The Aqua Milling® system is extremely efficient and cleans pipework without causing any damage."